Friday, February 6, 2009


why do we desire anyting?
why do we strive to get what we want?
why do we want?

kong said,
isnt it better to just work in seven eleven and earn just enough to feed urself?
why study medicine? when the whole million dollars can be used for something else?

it is human nature to desire.
to desire too much we call greed.
not to desire is to be detached.

yet to call it human nature is an excuse.

yet being detached is not human.
we call them divine.

as even buddha was once human.
then he sat under a tree.
and detached.
till he realised how useless being detached is.

being totally detached is useless,
as well not be borned,
it would save so much rice,
reduce co2 produced by so much.

moderation is the best.
to rejoice and be satisfied
yet still have the drive to achieve.

chiun min signature depressing question:
why do we live?
whats the purpose?
why do we eat?

its just because we were created for the purpose of living, eating, surviving, reproducing and dying.

and why were we created?
we may just be an accident for all we know...